The specialist Taswood Carp water which has now become a members only and holiday lodge residents lake.
If you book a stay in one of our holiday lodges then the chance to fish this special lake is available to you.
A beautiful, picturesque water with overhanging willows. The lake is much deeper than Heron with depths from 5 to 15 feet and is about 4 Acres in size. The bottom is mainly silt and clay with no weed.
With single swims only with various features to cast to in every swim. The far banks, lily pads and overhanging trees are the most popular areas to fish to. The swims have been amended with all fishing on the far bank. The basin swim has been removed and the shallows also moved to the far bank. This reduced the number of swims but has allowed for greater water for each swim.
The larger specimens reside in Broadwing and is stocked with mainly 20’s and 30’s and fish to over 40lbs.
There are several big ghosties, & mirrors nearing the 40lb mark and big commons, one over 40lbs. Stock wise there are around 90 fish with an average weight of around 27lb.
We would classify this lake as a hard water, so is only really suited to experienced anglers as it can be tricky, but where the rewards can be magnificent!
The fish are fairly wise in this lake so a more subtle approach tends to pay dividends.
To fish on Broadwing you must have a retainer sling with you and all fish must be lifted out of the water inside a retainer sling and not by lifting them out in the net.
Broadwing Swims Guide
The Basin
A Close ranged swim but packed with features, margins and lily’s as well as an island. Around the island is a few shallow humps and bumps which are worth keeping an eye on if it is warm
No. 1
This swim is on the end of the warm SW winds and can hold lots of fish. The main feature is the right hand margin and the overhanging willow in the far corner. Feel for dustbin lid size patches of gravel in the margins. The margins are around 4-5ft deep and the open water has depths down to 12ft.
The Deeps
This swim can be a good open water swim with depths of around 13ft. If you see fish topping or bubbling up in the silt it can be worth putting a bit of bait on them mid-way out. This swim also fishes to the island and the end of the main lily bed which both produce fish.
Hole in the Wall
This swim has the main set of lily’s to fish to and a section of the far margin with depths of around 4 to 5 foot in these areas. The open water can produce with silty areas of around 11ft deep.
The Willows
The main feature in this swim is the far margin with a lot of fish hanging around the overhanging willow. Again depths on the far margin are around 4 to 5 foot with depths of 10 foot in the middle.
The Pads
Lots of features and areas to try in this swim. The far margin and the lily’s produce plenty of fish as well as just off the overflow pipe in the far corner. Depths of 4 to 5 foot in the margins sloping down to around 9 to 10 foot in the middle.
This is where the lake begins to shallow up and become narrower, The lily’s on the far margin tend to produce most fish with depths of around 4 to 5 foot in the edge down to around 8 foot in the middle.
Old Island
The bushes and overhanging trees on the far margin are uaually the best spots to try. The far margin drops off quickly to around 4 to 5 foot so a bait tight under the trees and bushes can produce well The middle is around 7 to 8 foot.
The Reeds
Again a bait positioned tight to the reeds and bushes on the far margin are a good place to try. If it is quiet, a bait in the near margins can be worth a try. The margins are around 4 to 5 foot deep with large gravel areas and around 7foot in the middle.
The Shallows
There is a shallower gravelly plateau coming off the far margin with a sandy area in the middle of this. This can produce especially in the warmer months. There are also lily’s tight to the far margin. Depths vary from 4 to 5 foot on the plateau to around 7 foot in the middle.
The Graveyard
A Close range swim at the end of the lake with overhanging trees and overgrown margins. Some of the bigger fish get caught from here, especially if the other end of the lake is busy, so keep quiet and hide your lines. Average depth around 5 foot.